Blogging about adventures in Barcelona, London, Paris and Europe

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Normandy trip

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We visited the American cemetery and Utah Beach. More than 20,000 American soliders died on D-Day – when the allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy.

Suzelle summed it up best – it’s incredible to have these battlegrounds preserved – the German bunks and the craters. She pointed out that we don’t have anything like Normandy in the US because we never had a war of this mass level of destruction.


after our global meeting….


Mark and I walked to the Tour Effiel….it was ten minute walk away from the Ecole Militarie. I met with the rest of my classmates for a welcome dinner at La Terresa. My prof said last quarter’s global students were lushes. So for our quarter, they set a $200 maximum drinking cap. I managed to order bailey’s on the rocks and kir royale in French…this is what my Northwestern tutition is covering – drinks and a french dinner of poulet et frites…


I love this camera….it’s our baby….our first major electronic joint purchase…we’re going to be a happily married couple 🙂


Sunday in Paris…

we live here….

located on this street…
just off Rue Sainte Martin…

il ne faut pas retournez de votre maisons, mais vous ne pouvez pas rester ici…
…people like to party on this street…we can hear them around 4:00 AM…

It’s a ten-fifteen minute walk from Norte Dame. Today, we attended the 11:00 Mass.

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