Blogging about adventures in Barcelona, London, Paris and Europe

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St. Petersburg

Inside the Hermitage

I’m back in the States after a 20-hour flight, four security check points, two luggage check-ins (for one fat bag), an extra charge for an obese suitcase and three cocktails from airports in St. Petersburg, Helsinki and New York.

So far, I haven’t kept track of how many photos and videos I shot of St. Petersburg. I am working on few more photoblog entry about my Russian trip.

This one involves Andre’s adventure inside the Hermitage.

St. Petersburg

Bear in Historic Heart

ST. PETERSBURG – “We don’t have bears in Russia,” said one of my students.

Fair enough. So, I brought my own world-weary bears to St. Petersburg. This time, Andre had a chance to check out the sights and sounds of the Historic Heart.

I had some free time before my classes, so we did our own walking tour over the Neva River. Now Andre wants to share his thoughts on our excursion.

Andre by the Strelka